non-working optimized lcs implementation

This commit is contained in:
FyloZ 2023-06-08 22:58:08 -04:00
parent d793297ad5
commit 7cc7d3bb76
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: william
GPG Key ID: 835378AE9AF4AE97
2 changed files with 253 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
// Based on
// "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations" by Eugene Myers Algorithmica Vol. 1 No. 2, 1986, p 251.
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct DiffData {
length: usize,
codes: Vec<usize>,
modified: Vec<bool>,
pub fn diff(a: &str, b: &str) {
let mut existing_hashes: HashMap<&str, usize> = HashMap::new();
let mut data_a = diff_data(a, &mut existing_hashes);
let mut data_b = diff_data(b, &mut existing_hashes);
let max = data_a.length + data_b.length;
let mut down_vector = vec![0usize; 2 * max + 2];
let mut up_vector = vec![0usize; 2 * max + 2];
let upper_a = data_a.length;
let upper_b = data_b.length;
lcs(&mut data_a, 0, upper_a, &mut data_b, 0, upper_b, &mut down_vector, &mut up_vector);
create_diffs(&data_a, &data_b)
fn diff_data<'a>(text: &'a str, existing_hashes: &mut HashMap<&'a str, usize>) -> DiffData {
let codes = diff_codes(text, existing_hashes);
let length = codes.len();
DiffData {
modified: vec![false; length + 2],
fn diff_codes<'a>(text: &'a str, existing_hashes: &mut HashMap<&'a str, usize>) -> Vec<usize> {
let lines: Vec<&str> = text.split('\n').collect();
let mut codes = vec![0usize; lines.len()];
let mut next_code = existing_hashes.len() + 1;
for i in 0..lines.len() {
let line = lines[i];
if !existing_hashes.contains_key(line) {
existing_hashes.insert(line, next_code);
codes[i] = next_code;
next_code += 1;
} else {
codes[i] = existing_hashes[line];
return codes;
// Longest Common-Subsequence
fn lcs(data_a: &mut DiffData, mut lower_a: usize, mut upper_a: usize, data_b: &mut DiffData, mut lower_b: usize, mut upper_b: usize, down_vector: &mut Vec<usize>, up_vector: &mut Vec<usize>) {
while lower_a < upper_a && lower_b < upper_b &&[lower_a] ==[lower_b] {
lower_a += 1;
lower_b += 1;
while lower_a < upper_a && lower_b < upper_b &&[upper_a - 1] ==[upper_b - 1] {
upper_a -= 1;
upper_b -= 1;
if lower_a == upper_a {
// Inserted lines
while lower_b < upper_b {
lower_b += 1;
data_b.modified[lower_b] = true;
} else if lower_b == upper_b {
// Deleted lines
while lower_a < upper_a {
lower_a += 1;
data_a.modified[lower_a] = true;
} else {
// Find the middle snake and length of an optimal path for A and B
let sms = sms(&data_a, &data_b, down_vector, up_vector);
// The path is from lower_x to (x, y) and (x, y) to upper_x
lcs(data_a, lower_a, sms.0, data_b, lower_b, sms.1, down_vector, up_vector);
lcs(data_a, sms.1, upper_a, data_b, sms.1, upper_b, down_vector, up_vector);
// Shortest Middle Snake
fn sms(data_a: &DiffData, data_b: &DiffData, down_vector: &mut Vec<usize>, up_vector: &mut Vec<usize>) -> (usize, usize) {
let lower_a = 0usize;
let upper_a = data_a.length;
let lower_b = 0usize;
let upper_b = data_b.length;
let mut ret = (0usize, 0usize);
let max = data_a.length - data_b.length - 1;
let down_k = lower_a - lower_b;
let up_k = upper_a - upper_b;
let delta = (upper_a - lower_a) - (upper_b - lower_b);
let odd_delta = (delta & 1) != 0;
let down_offset = max - down_k;
let up_offset = max - up_k;
let max_d = ((upper_a - lower_a + upper_b - lower_b) / 2) + 1;
down_vector[down_offset + down_k + 1] = lower_a;
up_vector[up_offset + up_k - 1] = upper_a;
for d in 0..=max_d {
// Extend the forward path
for k in ((down_k - d)..=(down_k + d)).step_by(2) {
let mut x = 0;
let mut y = 0;
if k == down_k - d {
// Down
x = down_vector[down_offset + k + 1];
} else {
// Right
x = down_vector[down_offset + k - 1];
if k < down_k + d && down_vector[down_offset + k + 1] >= 1 {
// Down
x = down_vector[down_offset + k + 1];
y = x - k;
// Find the end of the furthest reaching forward D-path in diagonal k.
while x < upper_a && y < upper_b &&[x] ==[y] {
x += 1;
y += 1;
down_vector[down_offset + k] = x;
// Overlap ?
if odd_delta && up_k - d < k && k < up_k + d && up_vector[up_offset + k] <= down_vector[down_offset + k] {
ret.0 = down_vector[down_offset + k];
ret.1 = down_vector[down_offset + k] - k;
return ret;
// Extend the reverse path
for k in ((up_k - d)..=(up_k + d)).step_by(2) {
let mut x = 0;
let mut y = 0;
if k == up_k + d {
// Up
x = up_vector[up_offset + k - 1];
} else {
// Left
x = up_vector[up_offset + k + 1] - 1;
if k > up_k - d && up_vector[up_offset + k - 1] < x {
// Up
x = up_vector[up_offset + k - 1];
y = x - k;
while x > lower_a && y > lower_b &&[x - 1] ==[y - 1] {
x -= 1;
y -= 1;
up_vector[up_offset + k] = x;
// Overlap ?
if !odd_delta && down_k - d <= k && k <= down_k + d && up_vector[up_offset + k] <= down_vector[down_offset + k] {
ret.0 = down_vector[down_offset + k];
ret.1 = down_vector[down_offset + k] - k;
return ret;
panic!("This should not be possible :(");
fn optimize(data: &DiffData) {}
fn create_diffs(data_a: &DiffData, data_b: &DiffData) {}

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@ -1,60 +1,66 @@
use crate::lcs::diff; use crate::diff::diff;
mod matrix; mod matrix;
mod lcs; mod lcs;
mod diff;
fn main() { fn main() {
let a = "abcd"; let a = "abcabba\nlkajsdfasdf\nasdfasdfasdf\nlasjkdf";
let b = "abce"; let b = "abcabba\ncbabasdfasdf\nlasjkdf";
// diff(a, b); diff(a, b);
lcs(a, b); // lcs(a, b);
} }
fn lcs(a: &str, b: &str) { // fn lcs(a: &str, b: &str) {
let n = a.len(); // let n = a.len() as i32;
let m = b.len(); // let m = b.len() as i32;
let max = (n + m) / 2; // let max = n + m;
let mut v = vec![0usize; max * 2]; // let mut endpoints = vec![0i32; max as usize * 2];
for d in 0..max { // for script_length in 0..max {
let mut k = 0usize; // let mut k = -script_length;
while k <= d * 2 { // while k <= script_length * 2 {
let mut x = if k == 0 || k != d * 2 && v[k - 1] < v[k + 1] { // let index = (k + max) as usize + 1;
v[k + 1] // let previous_endpoint = endpoints[index - 1];
} else { // let next_endpoint = endpoints[index + 1];
v[k - 1] + 1 //
}; // let mut x = if k == -script_length || k != script_length && previous_endpoint < next_endpoint {
// next_endpoint
let mut y = if k < x { // } else {
x - k // previous_endpoint + 1
} else { // };
0 //
}; // let mut y = if k < x {
// x - k
while x < n && y < m { // } else {
let ac = a.chars().nth(x + 1).unwrap(); // 0
let bc = b.chars().nth(y + 1).unwrap(); // };
if ac != bc { // // Increase x and y as long as we are in a common sequence between a and b
break; // while x < n && y < m {
} // let ac = a.chars().nth(x as usize).unwrap();
// let bc = b.chars().nth(y as usize).unwrap();
x = x + 1; //
y = y + 1; // if ac != bc {
} // break;
// }
v[k] = x; //
if x >= n && y >= m { // x += 1;
println!("Length of a SES is D ({d})"); // y += 1;
dbg!(v); // }
return; //
} // endpoints[index] = x;
k += 2; // // We have traveled through both strings, the length of the shortest edit script (SES) has been found.
} // if x >= n && y >= m {
} // println!("Length of a SES is D ({d})");
// return;
println!("Length of a SES is greater than MAX ({max})"); // }
dbg!(v); //
} // k += 2;
// }
// }
// println!("Length of a SES is greater than MAX ({max})");
// }