; Prints values in various ways to output, ; including numbers and strings. newline = 10 zp_byte print_temp_ ; Prints indicated register to console as two hex ; chars and space ; Preserved: A, X, Y, flags print_a: php pha print_reg_: jsr print_hex lda #' ' jsr print_char_ pla plp rts print_x: php pha txa jmp print_reg_ print_y: php pha tya jmp print_reg_ print_p: php pha php pla jmp print_reg_ print_s: php pha txa tsx inx inx inx inx jsr print_x tax pla plp rts ; Prints A as two hex characters, NO space after ; Preserved: A, X, Y print_hex: jsr update_crc pha lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a jsr print_hex_nibble pla pha and #$0F jsr print_hex_nibble pla rts print_hex_nibble: cmp #10 blt @digit adc #6;+1 since carry is set @digit: adc #'0' jmp print_char_ ; Prints character and updates checksum UNLESS ; it's a newline. ; Preserved: A, X, Y print_char: cmp #newline beq :+ jsr update_crc : pha jsr print_char_ pla rts ; Prints space. Does NOT update checksum. ; Preserved: A, X, Y print_space: pha lda #' ' jsr print_char_ pla rts ; Advances to next line. Does NOT update checksum. ; Preserved: A, X, Y print_newline: pha lda #newline jsr print_char_ pla rts ; Prints string ; Preserved: A, X, Y .macro print_str str,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,str7,str8,str9,str10,str11,str12,str13,str14,str15 jsr print_str_ .byte str .ifnblank str2 .byte str2 .endif .ifnblank str3 .byte str3 .endif .ifnblank str4 .byte str4 .endif .ifnblank str5 .byte str5 .endif .ifnblank str6 .byte str6 .endif .ifnblank str7 .byte str7 .endif .ifnblank str8 .byte str8 .endif .ifnblank str9 .byte str9 .endif .ifnblank str10 .byte str10 .endif .ifnblank str11 .byte str11 .endif .ifnblank str12 .byte str12 .endif .ifnblank str13 .byte str13 .endif .ifnblank str14 .byte str14 .endif .ifnblank str15 .byte str15 .endif .byte 0 .endmacro print_str_: sta print_temp_ pla sta addr pla sta addr+1 jsr inc_addr jsr print_str_addr lda print_temp_ jmp (addr) ; Prints string at addr and leaves addr pointing to ; byte AFTER zero terminator. ; Preserved: A, X, Y print_str_addr: pha tya pha ldy #0 beq :+ ; always taken @loop: jsr print_char jsr inc_addr : lda (addr),y bne @loop pla tay pla ; FALL THROUGH ; Increments 16-bit value in addr. ; Preserved: A, X, Y inc_addr: inc addr beq :+ rts : inc addr+1 rts .pushseg .segment "RODATA" ; >= 60000 ? (EA60) ; >= 50000 ? (C350) ; >= 40000 ? (9C40) ; >= 30000 ? (7530) ; >= 20000 ? (4E20) ; >= 10000 ? (2710) digit10000_hi: .byte $00,$27,$4E,$75,$9C,$C3,$EA digit10000_lo: .byte $00,$10,$20,$30,$40,$50,$60 ; >= 9000 ? (2328 (hex)) ; >= 8000 ? (1F40 (hex)) ; >= 7000 ? (1B58 (hex)) ; >= 6000 ? (1770 (hex)) ; >= 5000 ? (1388 (hex)) ; >= 4000 ? (FA0 (hex)) ; >= 3000 ? (BB8 (hex)) ; >= 2000 ? (7D0 (hex)) ; >= 1000 ? (3E8 (hex)) digit1000_hi: .byte $00,$03,$07,$0B,$0F,$13,$17,$1B,$1F,$23 digit1000_lo: .byte $00,$E8,$D0,$B8,$A0,$88,$70,$58,$40,$28 ; >= 900 ? (384 (hex)) ; >= 800 ? (320 (hex)) ; >= 700 ? (2BC (hex)) ; >= 600 ? (258 (hex)) ; >= 500 ? (1F4 (hex)) ; >= 400 ? (190 (hex)) ; >= 300 ? (12C (hex)) ; >= 200 ? (C8 (hex)) ; >= 100 ? (64 (hex)) digit100_hi: .byte $00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$01,$02,$02,$03,$03 digit100_lo: .byte $00,$64,$C8,$2C,$90,$F4,$58,$BC,$20,$84 .popseg .macro dec16_comparew table_hi, table_lo .local @lt cmp table_hi,y bcc @lt bne @lt ; only test the lo-part if hi-part is equal pha txa cmp table_lo,y pla @lt: .endmacro .macro do_digit table_hi, table_lo pha ; print Y as digit; put X in A and do SEC for subtraction jsr @print_dec16_helper sbc table_lo,y tax pla sbc table_hi,y .endmacro ; Prints A:X as 2-5 digit decimal value, NO space after. ; A = high 8 bits, X = low 8 bits. print_dec16: ora #0 beq @less_than_256 ldy #6 sty print_temp_ ; TODO: Use binary search? : dec16_comparew digit10000_hi,digit10000_lo bcs @got10000 dey bne :- ;cpy print_temp_ ;beq @got10000 @cont_1000: ldy #9 : dec16_comparew digit1000_hi,digit1000_lo bcs @got1000 dey bne :- ; Y = 0. cpy print_temp_ ; zero print_temp_ = print zero-digits beq @got1000 @cont_100: ldy #9 : dec16_comparew digit100_hi,digit100_lo bcs @got100 dey bne :- cpy print_temp_ beq @got100 @got10000: do_digit digit10000_hi,digit10000_lo ; value is now 0000..9999 ldy #0 sty print_temp_ beq @cont_1000 @got1000: do_digit digit1000_hi,digit1000_lo ; value is now 000..999 ldy #0 sty print_temp_ beq @cont_100 @got100: do_digit digit100_hi,digit100_lo ; value is now 00..99 txa jmp print_dec_00_99 @less_than_256: txa jmp print_dec @print_dec16_helper: tya jsr print_digit txa sec rts ; Prints A as 2-3 digit decimal value, NO space after. ; Preserved: Y print_dec: ; Hundreds cmp #10 blt print_digit cmp #100 blt print_dec_00_99 ldx #'0'-1 : inx sbc #100 bge :- adc #100 jsr print_char_x ; Tens print_dec_00_99: sec ldx #'0'-1 : inx sbc #10 bge :- adc #10 jsr print_char_x ; Ones print_digit: ora #'0' jmp print_char ; Print a single digit print_char_x: pha txa jsr print_char pla rts ; Prints one of two characters based on condition. ; SEC; print_cc bcs,'C','-' prints 'C'. ; Preserved: A, X, Y, flags .macro print_cc cond,yes,no ; Avoids labels since they're not local ; to macros in ca65. php pha cond *+6 lda #no bne *+4 lda #yes jsr print_char pla plp .endmacro